Dance/movement therapist
Duties and responsibilities:Dance therapists work with adults and children who are suffering from depression or anxiety, physical/psychiatric/neurological disorders, learning difficulties, dementia, autism, behavioral problems or congenital emotional problems.
salary:50,000 a year
education: Association for Dance Movement Therapy. Training places attract strong competition, so relevant experience prior to postgraduate study is normally essential: most course providers require candidates to possess modern or classical dance training and experience. an honores degree in dance, movement, performing arts, psychology, nursing or medicine can be advantageous.
reflection: Ever since i was a little girl i would dance. i was about 9 when i would perform in front of several people. now that I am a teenager, I am a dance teacher at a youth program. i can say that helps me and my class out a lot. it releases stress and i can express my feelings when dancing. therefore , yes i would like to be a dance therapist.